Are you managing sin or dealing with it?

Matt Johnson writes the following on the Resurgence

Both the average churchgoer and those seeking one-on-one pastoral care are generally seeking two things: spiritual life-coaching for sin management and deliverance from pain and chaos. Self-improvement advice is more palatable than proclaiming death to the believer and their indwelling sin. (read the rest of the article here)

When you are seeking counsel or advice from those spiritual leaders the Lord has put over you (your local church leadership) are you doing so for either of the reasons Matt describes?

  1. Seeking to how to manage your sin (instead of killing it through the power of the Spirit)
  2. Deliverance from pain or chaos (instead of imitating Christ’s example through the power of His Spirit, by perseverance through suffering)

Give it some thought…

Related post – Three Prerequisites to Changing Your L ife