Blog Casserole – 12/06/2013

Blog Casserole!

The best or worst or slightly interesting of the web over the last week (from my humble perspective)
  • Initiating or declining sex, within marriage, is as awkward after 20 years as it was in the first year (sometimes, at least). This articles is helpful… truly.

Blog Casserole – 11/29/2013

Blog Casserole!

The best or worst or slightly interesting of the web over the last week (from my humble perspective)

Blog Casserole – 11/22/2013

Blog Casserole!

The best or worst or slightly interesting of the web over the last week (from my humble perspective)
  • I’m very, very encouraged and intrigued by this series that profiles famous philanthropists, and ties their generosity into their Christian faith. This article is about R.G. LuTorneau.

Blog Casserole – 11/15/2013

Blog Casserole!

The best or worst or slightly interesting of the web over the last week (from my humble perspective)
  • Many men (me included) have been taught to “bounce the eyes” as a strategy to overcome lust. But this author says that’s incomplete, because it’s not addressing the full problem. I happen to agree with him.
  • There was a recent “new discovery” in the evolutionary sciences field… a skull they are calling “Homo Erectus.” Instead of making me cringe at another assertion that “confirms” evolution, it reminds me of how many times and ways the evolutionary “science” has had to change over the years as more data becomes available. I’m not sure I want to trust anyone who’s theories change by millions of years over and over.

Blog Casserole – 11/08/2013

Blog Casserole!

The best or worst or slightly interesting of the web over the last week (from my humble perspective)
  • This is an amazing gallery of forgotten places posted by guys who intentionally trespass to capture photos of where we’ve been and to document some of what we’ve lost (or wasted). I’m curious what you think of the moral implications of what they are doing?
  • Every now and again I have to post this one… as a counselor it just makes me laugh (and wish it were this simple… or wonder if maybe it is).

Blog Casserole – 11/01/2013

Blog Casserole!

The best or worst or slightly interesting of the web over the last week (from my humble perspective)
  • In a climate where the “rich” are often demonized as money-hungry abusers, it’s refreshing to know the truth about individuals rather than make blanket statements. Here’s an amazing article about John D. Rockefeller, who some say may have been the richest man who ever lived. It’s a great account of hard work, generosity, and the power of a faithful mom to boot!
  • The video below is especially cool… partly because I’m a drummer, but also because, well… it’s just cool Watch it!

Blog Casserole – 10/25/2013

Blog Casserole!

The best or worst or slightly interesting of the web over the last week (from my humble perspective)
  • In the latest stirring testimony service you attended, did you feel out of place because you didn’t know the exact date you became a believer? You’re not alone…
  • There’s not a greater example of the difference religious freedom makes than the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea. On one side is totalitarian rule and no religious freedom. On the other religious freedom exists. Watch this stirring video to get a feel for the difference.

Blog Casserole – 10/18/2013

Blog Casserole!

The best or worst or slightly interesting of the web over the last week (from my humble perspective)
  • Exhortation and correction are difficult topics in the modern, western church. We’re too busy trying to bolster our self-esteem to take anyone’s admonition. But what if (I know, it’s a big if) you wanted to be good at giving and receiving correction… you know, to be kinda biblical. Here’s a great article on the subject.
  • And this is just for fun… a video I have to listen to now and again just for the laugh. Make sure you listen to the whole thing… and let me know in the comments which version is your favorite. I present to you… “These are Not My Pants”


Blog Casserole – 10/11/2013

Blog Casserole!

The best or worst or slightly interesting of the web over the last week (from my humble perspective)
  • Over the years our dear “friend” Oprah Winfrey has had some very spurious spiritual beliefs. She’s taken on many “advisors” who are anything but Christian. So who’s the latest? You’ll never guess… OK, you might guess.



Blog Casserole – 10/04/2013

Blog Casserole!

The best or worst or slightly interesting of the web over the last week (from my humble perspective)
  • Biographies can be life-shaping, especially when they portray the bravery that comes from Christ abiding within a person. Here’s the story of Lady Jane Grey… a very ordinary girl who was shaped by her theology and who stood firm in the face of death (at the hands of her sister).
  • Sharing Jesus with family and friends can be the most difficult. Here’s a helpful article about ways you can go about it (or think about it).